The Scuttlebutt



I was given a packet of articles to use for designing a newsletter. All of the articles had a header and body but no image. I was also given the challenge of coming up with my own “Bean of the Month” side article. I also had to invent my own name of the newsletter.

With both my stepdad and father being veterans, I have a soft spot for those who are and have served in the military. In my research, I found that “scuttlebutt” is a term that the Marines would use to report any news or gossip. Once I found my name, I started looking at military symbols to help create a nice logo that would represent the newsletter and its audience. I was also researching what bean I could use as my “Bean of the Month” and sketched layout concepts. Using Illustrator, I designed a header for the “Bean of the Month” and put together a logo to represent the newsletter. Once I gathered all the elements that I needed, I started laying out my first article in InDesign with paragraph styles. I learned a lot from this project and have used the tools many times since.