Catos Clothing Photography



I love to take my camera and shoot beautiful images in nature. I was never too interested in capturing photos of people. I could never really figure out how to pose them just right so that they looked perfect. I was tasked with trying to mimic a famous photographer. Out of the three choices that I was given, I chose Nigel Barker. Some of the images that I saw during my research were a little risqué in my opinion. However, I noticed that he had some very sensible images of models posing for clothing ads, so I decided to mimic those.

Looking at the examples, I noticed that I needed to first find a model. I didn’t have the money to hire anyone so I started to think of friends and family that might be willing to help me with this project. I instantly thought of my beautiful sister-in-law Marie. She was ecstatic about the opportunity. I had her wear a variety of tops and she posed in different areas of the same location. Fortunately, I have access to an unique back drop that gives a lot of texture. During the photoshoot, I asked her to stand next to an old Ford pickup truck that had been spray painted to camouflage it into the rest of the environment. While I photographed her, something on the ground caught her eye. She looked down and I pushed the button on the camera.

When looking at the photo in Photoshop, I didn’t have to make too many adjustments. I started to realize that I truly can photograph people for my designs if I need to. I like the idea that I can be a part of a design from the beginning to the end.